
August 27, 2009

Album Review: Melissa McClelland Renders A Masterwork with 'Victoria Day'

Blasphemy and vengeance β€” the kind that fuel small-town rumors of late-night dalliances and other illicit delights β€” yield to love among the ruins on Victoria Day, the latest album by singer/songwriter Melissa McClelland.

Rich with folk, gospel, and blues, the songs on Victoria Day underscore searing, often-bittersweet yarns with the Gothic austerity of a murder ballad.

Her voice gorgeous in its winsome grace, McClelland is at turns womanly and whip-smart, with an air of stone-cold defiance coursing through even her most self-incriminating admissions. β€œI have sinned, I’ve been around,” she concedes on β€œA Girl Can Dream,” a rockabilly rant of repentance and wishful thinking. She serves up a comparable shot of sass (hold the guilt) with β€œI Blame You,” a frisky rhythm underscoring her playful reproach.

She’s a picturesque storyteller, populating otherwise barren ground with a cast of shady characters. To the raunchy, gin-soaked riff that drives β€œWhen the Lights Went Off in Hogtown,” McClelland renders a slice of backwoods nightlife behind closed doors β€” or at least away from anyone who’d judge β€” in lines like, β€œNow the smart girls just got pretty/And they’re not going home tonight.” Likewise, she laces a refrain of blessed reassurance in β€œGod Loves Me” with scenes that aren’t exactly righteous.

For all the bravado she brings to these songs β€” and never more so than on the gut-bucket stomp, β€œGlenrio,” in which she socks some philandering harlot in the mouth, snarling afterward, β€œShe asked for it!” β€” McClelland eventually lets her guard down. In β€œSeasoned Lovers,” she pairs up with Ron Sexsmith, lamenting a romance that’s lost its spark, having become about as passionate as watching paint dry on plywood. Also, enriched by elegant strings and her only performance on piano, β€œSegovia” finds her reminiscing the first rush of an old love affair. And on the most achingly sensuous song on the album, β€œCry On My Shoulder,” McClelland gives one forsaken, heartbroken man a reason to get happy. β€œIt won’t hurt, I swear/I am the month of May,” she sings in wistful breaths. β€œI’m gonna kiss your blues away.”

Exceptional from start to finish, Victoria Day is a masterwork.

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